Powder Coat
All FastCover Structures are finished with our distinctive FastCover Powder Paint. This finish and the Brown color have become well known in the industry for its long lasting quality, which provides a glass-like, non-abrasive, smooth finish to prevent any premature wear in the fabric cover.
FastCover has partnered with one of the leading paint suppliers in the industry to develop and continually refine the FastCover Powder Paint and its application process which includes baking the powder onto the steel, giving a longer life to your FastCover.
By starting with selecting only quality structural steel, coupled with a multi-stage wash and cleaning systems we ensure that the surface is ready to accept the FastCover Powder Paint. The products are all baked up to 450 degrees, resulting in an extremely durable corrosion and abrasion resistant finish that will stand the test of time in the field. The FastCover Epoxy Coating formulation is also a sought after option that provides longer life to the steel in high corrosion facilities. This process has been tested to last longer in high corrosion buildings than any galvanizing process.
FastCover has the ability and capacity to provide Custom Powder Coat Paint Services. Coupled with FastCover’s automated conveyor system, the new state of the art powder coat paint line and oven were fully commissioned in January 2015 with a capability to paint components with lengths of over 20′. Powder Coat Paint…. Standard on all FastCovers!